Saturday, April 9, 2011

snowy spring

Looking over 1st Ave & SLC temple
It's been pretty snowy and I'm counting down the days until it's summer. This past week was filled with yoga, running and snow. Went to lunch with my sister, babysat my little nephew,  scraped off some snow from my car, chats with Kerry, sending get well packages, and making some pasta. Yesterday after I ate a huge caprese sandwich from Cucina, Jason and I went rock climbing. We've been slacking due to working to much, coming home tired and late. We were happy to get back to our regular routine until Mr Jason hurt his back again. A few weeks ago the man hurt his back and took a few days to recover. I've never seen Jason in so much pain before. He's the kind of guy that never complains and pushes himself no matter what. A little worried we soaked it up in a hot tub while it snowed lightly. Even though I'm ready for summer I'll miss those snowy nights. I'm home today staying warm, packed a lunch for the hurt boy, looking forward to a birthday party tonight, thinking about a birthday tomorrow and a girls trip coming up. Hoping for some sun shine to come my way. 
Happy Weekend
outside my window

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