Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Ginnie & Whit
My friends, meet my dear friend Ginnie
Some of you are lucky to know her and her dance moves, some of you read her hilarious blog and some of us have grown up with her and have memories that go way back to those middle school days where doc martins and Lenny Deyoung were cool. 

Climbing brought us back together and I must say Ginnie who has only been rock climbing once showed me up..I think it was her mom strength or her calf muscles. Whatever it was, it was a blast being with her. I can't get enough of this girl. 

P.S go here to check out more pictures with a better camera and more action shots of Ginnie..priceless

Jason teaching the ways of the rope

calf muscles

high 5's


Ginnie said...

Love. LOVE. Love, whit! You and these pictures make me beyond happy. We must do an exchange of pictures. For now, you can just copy mine off my blog until I send them to you. I guess I need to check first if I have your email.

Polly said...

I am so glad you two are still having fun together. Old friends are the best.

the mama monster said...

what the?! why no invite for me? we really need to get together again. i miss you guys.