Saturday, January 7, 2012

a new year

Lately it's felt like Spring, but this morning I woke up to this. Pretty snow that I don't need to drive in. This past week has been a blur and all I can say is that I'm happy the worst part is over. Those of you already know but last Friday I got my gallbladder removed. Who knew that little organ was a cause to a lot of pain. I have always struggled with stomach and back pain so on Thursday when it hit, it wasn't something new but being 17 weeks pregnant makes you a little scared and maybe more dramatic. After a few hours in the ER they took that little organ out which I was grateful for but so scared. Luckily I was in good hands and was so relieved..right before they put me under they told me not only are they going to take care of me, but my little babe. Let's say I cried a lot that day. Sadly after I was released I had some complications and got sent right back up with more pain and more tears. Mr hubby was there every waking hour, he picked me up so many times physically and mentally. I really couldn't have done it without him. I also had so many people helping me, helping jas. So thank you for those people who helped put a smile on my tired little face. Lucky for me I feel so much better and the babe has a strong heartbeat and doing so well. I have been truly blessed and am looking forward to:

a new year..Happy 2012
a new semester of students
yoga and how i can teach with a baby bump and a missing organ...this will be a challenge for a couple of weeks i can just feel it
slowly getting better and better
no more stomach pain mix with sharp back pain anymore (cross your fingers)
turning the big 30
a new little babe that I'm so excited to meet
jas & i being parents
starting a little family

Happy Saturday


Polly said...

glad you are feeling better. but continue to take it easy!

Polly said...
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Travelin'Oma said...

The only time I miss my gall bladder is when I eat onions. (Apparently it served some purpose.) But the pain it caused for a few years disappeared after the surgery and I haven't had it for ten years! Hope your recovery is fast!

marta said...

rest and recoup. you've got a BIG year ahead of you. i am proud of you for facing this trial with so much courage and strength.

xo. m

the mama monster said...

oh whit i am so sorry! sounds like your family and jason's did a good job of taking care of you. i hope that you are feeling better and rested! love you.

mama jo said...

glad you're ok...what a year coming up!!!