Thursday, August 9, 2012

Wren & Ruth's

Wren eating at Ruth's

This past weekend we ate a whole lot and slept a lot. It was the perfect family reunion together. Jason has had a crazy month, flying jets, meetings, working so much. He missed his flight on Friday and we were unable to make it to our family camping trip to Fish Lake. I spent the day with Marta and her new babe, it took my mind off of Fish Lake and I had a great time with the her babe is adorable! I can't wait for the day when our little ones start playing together. 

Jason finally came home...Wren and I took advantage of our 2 days with him before he gets busy again..we spent it at Moochie's and Ruth's Diner where I inhaled their homemade biscuits. Jason held Wren all day and I took a nap. It was fabulous...this week we're getting ready to celebrate this little babe by blessing her on Friday, it's going to be a great to come.

Happy Thursday!
Dad's finally home

1 comment:

Krista said...

i LOVE that top pic of her...totally see you in that smile. sooo cute. how nice of jason to take wren and you being able to get a nap in and recharge. i feel ya when the hubby is away.
i wish i could be there for her blessing! miss you...come to SD!