Sunday, August 12, 2012


my little family
We blessed our little baby bird on Friday in my parents backyard and it was perfect. We were surrounded by so much love and support from our family and close friends. My dad gave the sweetest blessing to Wren while Jason held her. It was a sweet moment that I wont forget. She wore my blessing dress which was given to me by my Grandma June. My mom complimented the dress with a baby size flower corsage...which was adorable. We later ate (which these were a hit) drank some limeade, snacked on fruit & dip, & had a lot of cookies & cupcakes. It was a good night. Thanks to our family and friends for all the love we felt. Wren is one lucky babe.
Jamey, Dylan, Jeff & Jason

Lemon blueberry cupcakes

Meggan, Wren, Reise

Curtis, Henry, Wren & Jas

7 nephews plus a little baby girl

family & friends

Mom holding Wren & me

Ty, Jas & the drink table


Travelin'Oma said...


marta said...

number one. you look gorgeous, whit!
number two. wren is a beauty. the dress is just perf. so happy for your little family.
number three. look at those grandboys with the little princess!!! what a sweet snapshot.
number four. those cupcakes look divine, my dear. so happy it was a perfect day. xoxo.

Polly said...

it was a beautiful day for a beautiful girl. love you three.

Polly said...
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Merilee said...

So sweet! You look beautiful Whit! Funny that Wren is the first girl! I bet she's getting spoiled. :) Our family is like that too, with 8 boy cousins and only 2 girls. haha.
I need to come see you!!!