Sunday, December 4, 2011

A birthday and an update

Birthday Boy
This little guy turned 2 yesterday. Sammy has energy and he makes me laugh a lot. I love his smile and his little words that he's saying. He brings a lot to our lives and we sure love him. Happy Birthday little Sammy. 

These last couple of weeks have been busy with kiddos, teaching yoga, spending time with family & friends. It's been a great start to holiday season which I'm looking forward too. 

Another thing that I'm looking forward to. Jas and I are moving up in the world. We are actually moving downstairs in our apartment building into 2 bedrooms. It's a huge step for us and I'm actually pretty happy that I'll just have to move boxes down a few stairs into a new apartment. Even though the place is bigger, it has it's flaws and I get a little sad thinking I'm going to not be in my place anymore. But sleeping next to 4 bikes is getting old. The climbing equipment is now pouring out of the closet and it's just time to get some space. Hopefully we'll be in our new place next week so I can finally put up a Christmas tree.

Jake, Abby & Sam

Party man Dylan
Happy Sunday


Polly said...

fun party. call me for the move, can't wait to see the apartment!

Travelin'Oma said...

Congratulations on your new place!