Friday, February 17, 2012

30 Sun Salutations

"some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. delicious ambiguity..." gilda radner

February 18th is my birthday. Tomorrow I'll be turning 30 and for the past year I have been dreading this day until now. Today I have been thinking of the past year, a few years ago, the last 10 years and would not change a thing. My life has not been perfect, there have been a few moments where I wouldn't want to relive again, but those moments are there to test you, to help you become hopefully a better person.

My 30 years has been unexpected and full of happiness. I am blessed to be turning 30 as a wife of a great husband, to be able to carry a little baby girl who is growing so fast in my belly, I am blessed to have graduated college, traveled to many amazing places and seen a lot of this beautiful world. I am blessed to be 30 and have great relationships with my family who are my best friends, being able to spend time with my nephews and be part of the Rasmussen family. I am blessed to have amazing friends who I completely adore. I am blessed to be a yoga instructor and have learned so much about myself and am only looking forward to helping more people and learning more things. I am truly blessed to be 30 and to feel a little bit more comfortable in my own skin with flaws and all. Today has been a good day and tomorrow will be even better and I'm looking forward to the next, and the next, etc.

Sending everyone a little birthday cheer
Happy Saturday.


Dblbogi said...

Happy birthday Whit ! Can't believe you are 30 ! Hope you have a great day !


Your favorite brother

krista said...

Happy 30th Whitney! Hope your day is amazing. Your little pregnant belly is so cute!

Polly said...

happy birthday, love you tons, mom

Polly said...

oh, and i love gilda's quote!

Unknown said...

happy birthday! love you to the moon & beyond

marta said...

happy 30, little whit. you look beautiful and this year is going to be incredible. your camera is still bigger than your belly. xo.

whit said...

Thanks everyone! It was a great birthday.
