Monday, April 29, 2013

11 months

Dear Little Wren,
Shy of being 11 months, you are still pretty tiny, but you are growing more and more each day. You are becoming more of a little person who knows what you want and are willing to do about anything to reach your goal. I hope you continue to be like that even though at the moment it may be hard for me..but at the end of the day it makes me happy. 
Everyday I see something new that you do and think.."Oh I hope I'll never forget that." But I could because there's something new with you everyday..we love that you are so wake up with a smile on that adorable little face and start clapping or pointing at us. 
The nights where you sleep with us (lately it's been every night) you seem to want to cuddle with both of us. It usually starts with me, but throughout the night you sneak over and cuddle with dad. 
I love that you are now waving but are waving to yourself. 
Lately you've been doing a lot of arm and hand motioning. I can't explain it but it makes us laugh. 
You usually fall asleep with your hands on top of one another or with your arms folded. 
I love your little stretches, the way you eat your food, the sound you make as you crawl.
I love how you point your toe as we go for a walk in the stroller and love how your little fingers wrap around my shirt as I'm carrying you in the ergo. I love that you gasp and start patting my back when we walk outside. 
I love when you sing and whisper and I wish I knew what you were thinking. 
I love that you have to carry a toy in each hand as you're crawling and standing up on things. Its usually your bath animal toys that you love. 
I love that you love to cuddle only when you're tired and are so active so busy and so happy. 
Wren, we sure love every little tiny thing about you. I could go on and on about how wonderful you are. You are just a little bundle of every goodness that I love.

Happy 11 months


marta said...

such a sweet baby girl. can't believe she'll be one year old in june!! such a gorgeous pic too! did you take it?!

whit said...

Thanks's wired how fast our little ones are growing up! I can't believe wren is almost a year! Jas took this picture with his iPhone in front of blue plate! So cute!

Polly said...

what a beautiful picture of a beautiful little girl. love her and her mother!