Monday, June 11, 2012


This is what our Saturday looked liked. Our apartment is looking a little bit like a kid lives here. There are diapers, blankets everywhere and this little swing is a new addition to our front room. I love how Jason has taken the role of dad so naturally and he is truly in love with this little girl..who wouldn't be with that fluffy hair of hers.

Today Jason rode his bike to work and will be there all day long, the babe and I will have to keep ourselves busy by taking a walk to the park and having stare contests.  Happy Monday


al + sar said...

Her hair!! Sooo cute!! I need to come see her in person.

Polly said...

staring into someone's eyes is how you get to know them. love seeing jason putting things together. have always known he would be a great dad!

Polly said...
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