Sunday, October 14, 2012

Dear Wren

Sunday morning bedhead
Dear Wren,
You are 4 months now, time has gone by quick but there are moments that I have put on pause. You are a happy little bird, you smile so much and every time it melts my heart.
You love to be outside and go on walks, you are so curious about everything and want to be facing out so you can see with your pretty blue eyes what's around you.
You are a little strong baby, the doctor said you are on the petite side, but that doesn't seem to slow you down. You have been holding your head up your since day one, you are rolling over so much, and are so wiggly so busy..I have a feeling you're going to keep me busy for the rest of my life.
Your hair was black when you were born, now it's a little red and it's slowly turning blonde and it's getting so long.
You are starting to help me out while feeding you, those days that I give you a bottle you want to hold it, you love putting in and out of your mouth, starting to figure things out, it's a fun and not so easy for me, but I love how curious you are.
Wren you love your dad..the moment he walks in the door you smile so big and you look for him as he's walking from room to room. You love to cuddle, it's one of my favorite moments. You have to have our faces touch and your hand on my face. I know this wont last so I'm enjoying every little moment. Wren I can't express how much love your dad and I have for you. You are the best thing in our lives and I cannot wait to spend every single day with you.

Thanks for being our little Wrenybird


Polly said...

having children is the greatest joy you'll every know as you are discovery. your little girl is certainly blessed to have you for her mom. she's a beauty!

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