Monday, February 18, 2013


31 years today. That number seems old and certain days I do feel old, but today is a good day. 
It's sunny and I've got lots to be grateful for...31 to be exact.

1. This face (see above) that I get to see every single day..for 29 years I've been dreaming of being a mom and this little one has exceeded every expectation and more. I couldn't be more thankful for her and this adorable little face
2. My hubby...he let me sleep in this morning and as I was drifting back to sleep after being woken up by this babe of ours..I could hear my little Wren giggle so loud with her dad. I just love him
3. Speaking of this morning Jas & Wren went on a walk and brought home some Kneaders french toast. That french toast is pretty dang good. Perfect for Birthday mornings.
4. My parents..before they went out of town this week, they made sure to celebrate their baby and made me some thinnies and watched my little bird..she's just so comfortable over there and I love it
5. My job
6. Yoga
7. Jason's parents..just the other day I got a message from Jason's dad saying,"hey Whit, it's your other dad." He and Jean are truly the best
8. My brothers and sisters (inlaws)...they are my best friends
9. Speaking of my sister little Ms Abby is cooking up a storm even as I type this..she is always doing something so thoughtful and nice for someone and today she's throwing me a little birthday bash. So thankful for her
10. Along with my cousin Marta is always doing something so creative. For the past 12 days Marts been doing a little countdown to my birthday and leaving gifts on my front door (thanks to her helper Dan)..we are kind of obsessed with each others birthdays..she just knows how to make someone's day a little bit better.
11. Morning text messages from family & friends..thank you
12. Packages in the mail always makes my day..thank you you lots
13. Friends...I've been blessed with the best friends a girl like me could ever ask for. I'm so grateful that they are in my lives..even if I haven't seen them in awhile, we pick up right where we left off.
14. My health
15. My apartment..even though I'm looking for another place to call home. This has been my home that is full of memories that I love
16. Living downtown being able to walk to Kneaders and getting french toast
17. That sunshine thats on my face right now
18. My cousins
19. sun class is doing 31 tomorrow
20. My Aunts..they are great examples to me..all of them. Thanks Jo for the fun day
21. Letters..sharpie pens and cute cards. I'm a sucker for paper goods
22. Home cooked meals and recipe cards
23. My nephews & nieces
24. Sleep..I never had a greater appreciation for sleep like I do now days
26. Movie nights, snuggling with the hubby
27. My grandparents..I think about them all the time and sure miss their faces
28. Utah..even though each winter makes me a little down..I just think of those summer nights and remember why I love this place so much
29. speaking of summer I cannot wait to rock climb. It's been awhile since I actually climbed and I sure miss it. I can't wait for the little one to get some shoes
30. Being a wife and being able to stay home to be with my's the best job in the world
31. Being a mom


Cathy said...

Happy Birthday! You actually wrote 32 things to be grateful for! Have a great day.

Polly said...

being grateful is such a wonderful way to look at life. i am grateful for you and jason and wren. thanks for creating such a lovely family!

whit said...

Thanks guys

mama jo said...

it was a fun day to're the greatest!

al + sar said...

Love these! Hope you had a fun birthday!